Workshop: Challenges for improving the Data Protection Program in 2023 and the dosimetry rule for sanctions.
It took place in São Paulo, 20th, 21th and 22th, June 2023
We present how the market is preparing for the entry into force of the LGPD , in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Discussions with experts on the actions needed to comply with the new privacy rules .
Luciano Vasconcelos Leite coordinated the project and is the author of the Manual for the Implementation of the General Data Protection Law, by Editora Via Ética, São Paulo.
How the Financial System should comply with the requirements of the Normative Instruction of the Federal Revenue of Brazil - IN RFB 1.571/15.
Luciano Vasconcelos Leite presents the implications of IN RFB 1571/15 on the Financial System and how the requirements of the agreement with the USA - FATCA and the OECD Common Report Strandard will be fulfilled.
The event was attended by compliance specialists presenting to the market, including members of the Federal Public Administration, the main current regulatory requirements and the best market practices.
Luciano Vasconcelos Leite has more than 35 years of experience in the Financial System, with 15 years dedicated to international compliance, acquisition of banks in Argentina and the USA and international tax transparency agreements.
Luciano Vasconcelos Leite presents the implications of FATCA on the Financial System and how the requirements of the agreement with the USA - FATCA.
Luciano Vasconcelos Leite presents the implications of the fraud process investigation as a combat of anti-money laundry.
Only speaker from Brazil at the XII International Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud Risk Conference held in Caracas, Venezuela. Luciano spoke about FATCA and the Prevention and Combat of Money Laundering.
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